Unescape HTML Entities

Why would you need to unescape HTML entities?

This tool allows you to unescape HTML entities within a text, reverting them back to their original characters. Whether you're working with encoded HTML content or need to decode special characters for processing, this converter simplifies the process for you.

How it Works

  • Input Text - Enter the text containing escaped HTML entities that you wish to unescape into the input field provided. This can include encoded special characters such as <, >, &, and others.
  • Initiate HTML Escaping - Once you've entered the text, our converter will unescape the HTML entities within the text, restoring them to their original characters.
  • Review Unescaped Output - After the unescaping is complete, you'll be presented with the text containing unescaped HTML entities. You can use this unescaped text in your HTML documents, web pages, or applications without worrying about unintended interpretation of special characters.

Ready to unescape HTML entities?

With our HTML Entities Unescaper, unescaping HTML entities is quick, easy, and hassle-free. Whether you're decoding encoded HTML content or processing special characters, our converter provides a reliable solution for unescaping HTML entities within text.

What are HTML entities?

HTML entities are character sequences placed in the text of an HTML document to print out reserved characters which may otherwise be interpreted as HTML code by a browser, or other special characters that would be difficult to generate with a typical keyboard.